Thursday, September 13, 2012's a GIRL!

So yes, I posted about a week ago that we were going to find out what we were having. We will be having a little girl that is scheduled to join our family Feb 1, 2013. Her name will be Lily Jane! Lily is the meaning of Matt's mom's name (Susan) and Jane is my mom's middle name. We wanted to honor our parents in some way - and this is the best way we could think to do that.

Cydney is super excited about this and is already pretending with her baby dolls. She is super sweet with it all!

Hunter is a little unsure I think - he hasn't said much. I think that right now he is going through some really tough things and is not talking much about them. I keep praying that he opens up soon - but we will be here with open amrs when he does.

Matt -  well let's just say I saw a little tear in his eye when he found out that he was going to have a daughter! He can't wait to hold his little Lily!

I am just so happy that Lily is doing GREAT!!! Even though I wanted a boy - I can't wait to hold my little girl. Girls are fun and I can't wait to play dress up (WINK).

Well - that's it for now....cya all soon!

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